Tech For Food (TFF)
ountry Program: RIRP (Iraq)
Partner: WFP
Duration: 01.01.2019 – 31.12.2019
Cluster: Food Security/Livelihood
Our TFF project is dedicated to creating sustainable livelihood opportunities for vulnerable communities by building up capacities and creating job opportunities and income sources for conflict affected people. The project activities comprise the realization of trainings in basic and advanced digital skills and basic and advanced English language, to raise participants’ capacities and improve their chances on the labor market.
This intervention addresses the high unemployment rate in Iraq and the low prospects for decent jobs, which still put many young people at risk of falling into a spiral of violence and hinder the recovery of this conflict affected society.
To enable all our TTF students to participate in the Training Sessions, RRI supports the students with cash-assistance. RRI also organized a daily transport service for the participants who don’t live in walking distance to the training center.
The TFF Basic Courses have been completed. In the two upcoming months the students will receive classes in advanced English and advanced IT skills.